Becoming Good At Online Poker

  1. Become A Good Online Poker Player

I’m gonna keep my answer as honest as possible. If there are questions, please leave them in the comments section. I’m gonna assume you are a novice / amateur to poker, and you want to 1. Play poker for a career ( i could be wrong, but most peo. You have probably read sayings like “Online Poker is Rigged” dozens of times when browsing poker forums and blogs.But usually, people complaining about the riggedness of online poker are just losing players who were previously riding on the sunny-side of variance in online poker. › Blog › 7 Steps to become a good Poker Player
October 25, 2014


Poker is extremely popular all over the world and many people are now jumping on the poker band wagon and are trying to become expert poker players themselves. But the title of a professional poker player does not come easily and takes much time, so make sure to be ready and determined before going down the route to becoming a professional poker player.

Step one

You’re a novice; maybe you don’t even know how to play poker. So the first thing you should do is familiarize yourself with different forms of poker games. The most common poker game that is played all over is Texas Hold ‘Em and so this is the one you should concentrate on, but familiarizing yourself with others wouldn’t be a bad idea either. You can find information on these different games easily via the internet or books from a local library.

Step two

Start off playing with fake chips. You can find free chip poker sites all over the internet so finding one wouldn’t take long. By playing with free chips you place no risk on yourself and it gives you time to familiarize yourself with actual game play. The best way to learn is to do it.

Step three

Whilst playing online poker for free, take notes and be aware of which hands are higher than others and how often certain hands win. You should also become more aware of how often these hands are coming too, so you can be prepared for bad hands as well. This can happen more often than you’d like, so develop a method for these bad hand rounds too whilst playing for free.

Step four

Poker is all about method, tactic and bluffing and so before you’re ready to begin playing for real cash, you should figure out your own tactics and own bluffing methods. This will really help you when it comes to crunch time with real pots of cash on the table. You could also try doing some online research about other methods other players use and implement these yourself.

Step five

So you’ve implemented the first four steps and you’re now beginning to win a few more pots than before. A good rule of thumb is, once you’ve doubled your free cash amount consistently without losing then you’re ready to go on and play for real. You shouldn’t rush into real cash playing as it’s a lot tougher than free cash playing and so you need to be ready and have your wits about you.

Step six

Keep implementing the methods you have practiced into free cash hands to real cash hands. The game you’re playing is the same, you just have tougher opponents. So don’t back down, keep practicing and keep your game plan the same. This way you’ll eventually become poker savvy and won’t need to think about the next move as you’ll already know.

Step seven

Don’t give up. The experienced and excellent poker players you’re up against all started where you are now, a novice taking a learning curve. Poker can be difficult to those who are not experienced, but practice makes perfect and if you keep at it, you’ll find that one day playing poker is natural to you and you’ll win more and more each time. Experience is key, and no one can claim the title of professional poker player without playing thousands of games first.

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I decided to share some tips about online cash games that are sure to help out your game and help you find all those extra edges that are sitting right in front of you.

I hope you guys enjoy these 5 tips and I would love to hear some comments .

1. How to spot a loose player before he even plays a hand
When you sit down at a cash game online you usually get asked whether you would like to post the blind or wait for the blind to come around to you.

Most people like myself usually are patient and wait for the blind to come to them, because there is no point posting your blind when you're 2 hands away from it.
If you're playing and you see a new player come into the game that posts right away, that's more often then not a sign of a loose player ready to gamble.
2. Use online cash games to your advantage
Online is quite different than live poker.

In live poker you might go to the casino and there might be a couple games running. Usually you have to put your name on the list to wait for a seat. In live poker you're also usually forced to play on a table and don't have the luxury of choosing which table you would like to play at.
Online is quite different. You usually have a selection of 10 different tables and can view who's playing, how much money they have, how many flops per hour and the average pot. This is crucial information that could substantially help your game if you know how to use it.
When you see a table that has a high Average Pot it usually means it's a loose table with a lot of money is being tossed around. You want to pick these games if you are a tight solid player.

More often then not it's usually one guy on tilt that is playing every pot and making the action really loose. You might say 'I hate playing against loose players'. But in a cash game those types of players are the bread and butter.

If you're playing a cash game with a bunch of solid tight players, the only way you're going to win a big pot is if you're a slight favorite. With a loose player, if you play solid tight poker and wait for the right time he will gamble as a big dog and you will usually be paid of very well.
So scope out the stats when choosing a cash game online. Look at the players at the table, spot the regulars and stay away from that table. This little tip offers an extra edge in your profit per hour.
3. Don't be glued to your seat
Online poker offers the luxury of being able to sit down at a game, leave a game, hop to another table or sit out for a few hands.

So don't be stuck to your seat. Don't worry you won't lose it. If the game isn't good, and the table is too tight with too many good players, then leave.

You should hop around and try and find the best game. Use online poker to your advantage and don't be scared to hop around and find the juiciest table.


This is also the case for if you're losing. You need to have the disciple to leave if you're down and go try another table if the one you're at isn't good.
To be a consistent winning poker player you need to look for all the little edges around you and use them.
4. How to spot rent money in No Limit Cash Games
In online no limit cash games you can buy in for the minimum or maximum. While searching for a table to play at, look for a table that has a lot of minimum buy ins.

Become A Good Online Poker Player

Any regular professional always buys in for the maximum at a no limit cash game. The reasons behind that are:

1. A bigger bankroll is intimidating to a lot of players and can often give the first impression to new players to the table that he is a good player.
2. You always want to have enough money in your bankroll to cover anyone at the table so when you do have the nuts you can squeeze every dime you can out of the opponent.
Most recreational players will usually buy in for the minimum amount and usually are playing with scared money or they are loose players. Take note that isn't always the case, but I'm talking more often then not.

So use this to your advantage when selecting a game and try to find the weakest players.
5. When you're able to leave a game with a loss
When you're able to leave a cash game after losing some big pots and you are noticing a change in your play, then you are a solid player.

The natural thinking of the brain is to stay and get your money back. It takes a lot of discipline and skill to know when to leave a game.

How do you think the casinos make so much money? It's because the natural thinking of the brain says I need to get even, while in reality they are not in the correct mindset and are usually on tilt and will almost always end up going broke.

Once you can conquer this inner psychological trait that every human being posses, then you are on your way to being a good player.
Every poker player in the world loses, that's part of the game. If you can leave a game with a loss without even hesitating then you'll end up winning a lot more in the long run.
I know it's easy to say all this and read all this and agree, but while you're in this mindset and frame of mind it's the last thing you're thinking about. So to sum it up train yourself to leave games while you're losing, even if it's a few bucks.